The challenges of recycling in the modern world come thick and fast as we are encouraged to buy more and more consumables that often come with way too much packaging. However, it’s not all bad news. Here are some of the best schemes aimed at promoting the use of jute bags and other environmentally sustainable products around the world.
- Free jute bags to plastic bag users in Delhi
Those who use single-use plastics are often demonised and told that they must adopt more reusable options; however the requests often fall on deaf ears. The police department in Delhi has taken a slightly more proactive approach. They are offering to exchange the plastic carrier bags they see pedestrians carrying with jute bags. This will briefly replace the current strategy which is to fine those with plastic products. This is one of the jute bag promotion methods coming out of India.
2. Exchange plastic bags
The Noida Metro Rail Corporation in India will soon offer machines that will take plastic bag and bottle deposits and offer free jute bags in exchange. Whilst the vending machines are not ready yet the jute bags have been delegated and are ready to go. The current proposed ratio is one jute bag in exchange for 10 plastic bottles or 20 polythene bags.
It should be mentioned that this is a multi-prong strategy with other initiatives including cleaner transport through electric cars and other recycling methods.
3. Exchange plastic bags
The issue of plastic consumption has been high on the priorities list of the Women’s Institute for a few decades. This has been shown through their end plastic campaign and the call of more research into the use of disintegrating plastics in 1971. The WI now has started promoting reusable bags.
Whilst cotton was initially proposed as the best material, the large volumes of water needed in its production landed the WI firmly on jute bags. The material is environmentally sustainable and you are supporting a developing country’s economy through making use of their jute bag exports.
As we try and move towards more reusable products the increased demand is leading to more and more businesses trying to meet the demand for environmentally sustainable goods. When purchasing jute bags make sure you go with an expert provider to get the best possible product.