A medical facility carries out a wide variety of tasks. Conducting surgical treatments is among its primary duties. The number of successful procedures carried out by a hospital’s doctors is frequently used to evaluate hospitals.
Surgical procedures requiring time, patience, attention, and safety are performed in different types of operating rooms by surgeons and medical personnel. The operating room requires a variety of equipment to be used. Hospitals must have the necessary operating room equipment available to guarantee that all surgical procedures are carried out safely.
The operating room can often be a chaotic and intimidating environment, filled with unfamiliar and complex technological equipment. During the critical moments of surgery, it is crucial to avoid confusion and chaos by ensuring proper identification of these instruments. To achieve this, hospitals commonly use medical equipment labels and tags specifically designed for surgical apparatus. These measures enable medical professionals to perform operations in a safe and controlled environment.
With that in mind, here is a list of instruments that you may encounter in the operating room. The setup of each operating room can vary depending on the type of surgery being performed:

C-Arm Device
When more flexibility is needed, C-arm systems are the best choice. These conditions are often met by an operating room. Orthopaedic treatments, heart and angiography tests, and therapeutic studies, such as the implantation of stents and lines, all use C-arm equipment.
Their semi-circular shape allows the doctor to move them more easily while covering the patient’s whole body and obtaining photos of any necessary body parts. The patient table on this arc-type C-arm system makes it the ideal setup for doing x-ray imaging.
Operation Table
Operation tables, commonly referred to as surgical tables, are employed in both simple and complicated surgical procedures. While the medical staff works, the patient is kept stationary on the table. While certain operating tables, like orthopaedic tables, are tailored for a particular treatment, general operating tables may be used for various procedures.
Anaesthesia Apparatus
The anaesthesia machine, one of the most important pieces of operating room equipment, gives patients a balanced dose of anaesthesia and life-supporting gases. A general anaesthetic is administered to patients using an anaesthetic machine as they undergo a surgical operation.
The anaesthesia workstation and anaesthesia delivery system are other names for the anaesthesia gas machine. Air anaesthesia machines, DC anaesthesia machines, and closed anaesthesia machines are the three different types of modern anaesthesia machines.
Suction Devices
A suction machine is a pump that removes mucus from the mouth, throat, or lungs in order to preserve an airway. It is crucial in neurological conditions that affect the capacity to swallow or cough. Suction devices are employed for surgical operations involving the absorption of viscous liquids, such as phlegm and negative pressure suction.
Sterilising Apparatus
Before any medical treatment, particularly in the operating room, sterilisation is required. In an operating room, steriliser equipment takes care of all sterilising requirements. Numerous surgical supplies, including dressings, equipment, injections, etc., may be sterilised using steam from this device.
Other Equipment and Tools
Some of the essential operating room equipment is included in the aforementioned supplies. To ensure that all surgical procedures are carried out safely, operation theatres should ideally also have the required surgical tools like surgery retractors, saws, scissors, and scalpels, as well as other equipment like defibrillators, oxygen concentrators, theatre lights, electrosurgical units, and smoke evacuators.