Ever notice how no matter what kind of strict cleaning regimen you enforce at home, there still seems to be a dust bunny or streak on the glass somewhere? It is imperative to create and follow a regular and hectic-free cleaning schedule to ensure common areas are clean and tidy at all times. Doing so will reduce the amount of dust, dirt, and debris that accumulates and keep your home looking its finest.
It is important to clean the carpets, rugs, throws and any layer of covering that goes atop the floor or the upholstery on a regular basis. Over time, this is where dust, dirt, and allergens accumulate, and therefore the larger the surface area and longer these home features have been left on their own, higher is the chance for pathogens, microbes and allergens to fester in said vicinity. With carpets and rugs, a nice deep clean and shampoo by a professional such as VIP Carpet Cleaning (Vipcarpetcleaning.com.au/) should do the trick.
The methods of cleaning you use, however, would depend on the weather too. Washing and soaking carpets would not be advisable when it’s raining or snowing. You would likely have to wait a long time before they dry up. And when they do, you might find mold on them, or you might find that they smell off. In such times, it would be advisable to use Very Low Moisture Carpet Cleaning methods as that would ensure quick drying.
Smaller items like throws, foot mats and cushions can always be put into the washing machine for a light spin and dry. Besides the upholstery, windows, blinds and curtains are another facet that should stay as clean as possible. Clean windows ensure more sunlight and that is a surefire way of naturally eliminating microbes in the house.
Cleaning and maintaining a home is crucial to keep a healthy environment. All surfaces, including floors, walls, furniture, countertops, and appliances, should be cleaned regularly. It is also important to clean and sanitize bathrooms and kitchens on a regular basis to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.
Likewise, during the rainy season, it is important to keep an eye on the walls, vents and pipes because moisture accumulation could lead to the growth of mold if left unchecked. And that could be toxic to everyone living in your home as it affects the indoor air quality. To reduce the risk of health complications, promptly calling in professionals providing mold removal services should be prioritized.
In addition, cleaning products, air fresheners, and even paints and solvents can have dangerous chemicals which can be harmful to health, so you should ideally use toxin-free products. These chemicals can be released into the air as harmful fumes, which can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin, leading to health problems. Additionally, burning candles, incense, or tobacco can also release fumes into the air. It is important to be aware of these potential sources of dangerous fumes and take necessary precautions.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals found in household products and building materials that release harmful toxins as gas. VOC concentrations are up to 10 times higher indoors than outdoors. Though the term volatile organic compound probably doesn’t appear often in your vocabulary, the pollutants are often found in household products used daily.
For more information on the health effects of volatile organic compounds, where they’re usually found in the home and chemical alternatives, read our resource.