
How Successful Is Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss?

When you want to lose weight, the difficult part is knowing where to begin the journey because it will, indeed, be a trip into the unknown. After all, if you’re overweight and suffering from obesity, you didn’t get to this point alone, nor did you arrive here overnight. Sometimes, we’re our own worst enemies and have trouble resisting unhealthy vices from time to time, even when we’re aware of the risks. Yours might be a near addiction to sweet, sugary foods; for others, it might be an overly sedentary lifestyle with little to no physical activity each day. This all could have been brought on by a stressful point in your life that resulted in using food as a comfort, that is why getting to the route of the issue is essential, today we will be talking about hypnotherapy, but there are others that can be used alongside it, whether that be daily exercise, yoga, CBD Öl, the possibilities are endless to get you to where you want to be. All of these things that you are doing now, no movement, sugary foods, can be altered.

Notwithstanding those facets, you have plenty of options, as mentioned before, regarding weight-loss programs, diets, and alternative avenues like hypnotherapy, which many don’t realize can help us lose weight the healthy way and is our main point. The trick is to use hypnosis techniques in the proper context to get max results, including weight loss self-hypnosis. Now, let’s discuss what hypnosis really is.

What’s the definition of hypnosis? 

Firstly, we must separate fact from fiction concerning the actual use of hypnosis in a therapeutic setting. Most of us know of hypnosis from television, movies, and exaggerated, over-the-top theatrical performances of mesmerism. The stereotype is that of a hypnotist influencing your behaviours while you’re in a highly attentive and trance-like mental state. Thus, the main misconception is that hypnosis turns you into a highly suggestible puppet or a thoughtless zombie under someone else’s volition. Neither of those two stereotypes is true in reality. 

Nevertheless, the best way to clear the air is to understand the basics: hypnosis is, indeed, an altered state of mind, but the vast majority of us are aware of our actions, thoughts, and emotions when hypnotized. Still, it’s wisest only to undergo hypnosis with the assistance of a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in the technique. Otherwise, you’re merely experiencing the phenomenon for entertainment purposes

How does hypnosis coincide with bodyweight?

So, now that we’ve established the essentials, the next logical question is: can hypnosis affect the body in other ways besides influencing emotions and behaviours? The short answer is no. Entering a hypnotic state clearly does not affect your body’s ability to process foods, but that doesn’t mean hypnosis is useless. On the contrary, you can use self-hypnosis to break down the emotional barriers preventing you from losing weight. For example, you might have unresolved emotional conflicts about body image impeding your progress.

Behavioural change over time is key

As with any weight-loss program, you are using self-hypnosis for incremental behavioural modifications over time. A week’s worth of hypnosis will not make it any easier for your body to get rid of excess fat, but it will help you not overeat when you experience stress. You might have unrealistic expectations or a predisposition to body shame oneself, and both can significantly make losing weight take longer and be more arduous.

Ultimately, the verdict is: self-hypnosis can help you lose weight if you use it in the proper context, meaning it’s best to lower the emotional barriers preventing you from losing weight the healthy way.